Jackie Cowie

The Yoga Studio, 5 Princes Avenue, Hull, HU5 3RX | Directions
Opening hours
Monday 10.00am - 4.00pm
Tuesday 10.00am - 12.00pm
Wednesday 10.00am - 6.00pm
Thursday 10.00am - 6.00pm
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Ratings & Reviews
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by Administrator 1
Jackie is fantastic. You can't find a nicer person or a better chiropractor in Hull. She's helping both short and long term. Jackie is a magic combination of physiotherapy, chiropractic and just good health advice. Jackie Reed

With my background as a chiropractor, yoga teacher and reader of the Akashic Records, I just don’t fit in a box anymore. Neither do you.


Initial Session

Start here if we haven’t met in person before. If you want to stay in the physical layer and continue with Body Alchemy sessions, I need to understand your case first. This gives me a chance to get up to speed with all the factors that led up to you wanting to book in to see someone.

Usually we start treatment in this session, unless your case has a particularly long or complicated history.


Body Alchemy

The root of your symptoms may be in your physical layer. Let’s use bodywork to recognise, acknowledge and release misalignments in your physical anatomy.


Energy Alchemy

Sometimes the root of your symptoms is deeper in your subtle layers. Let’s work with your subtle anatomy to alchemise misalignments in your energetic and mind/ emotional layers that might be manifesting in your physical body. Bodywork and movement are great ways to process discomfort in the body-mind.


Spiritual Alchemy

Your symptoms may have deep roots with a long history. With bodywork, movement and a Soul enquiry into misalignments between your physical, subtle and spiritual layers, we can access deep healing. You may even become curious about how your Soul wants to express itself and the next steps you can take towards your highest good and healing.